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← Back September 09 2024


  • Improvement Made contact forms use a default message and email address if those settings aren't populated. (Thanks, Victoria!)
  • Improvement Made the "name" contact form field optional.
  • Improvement Added an additional confirmation when removing a section, to help avoid accidental content deletion (Thanks, Leah!)
  • Improvement Simplified requirements for custom javascript code by removing the requirement to create container definitions.
  • Fix Fixed issue that caused multiple entries for some pages to appear in a website's sitemap (Thanks, Sebastien!)
  • Fix Fixed Flickr integration with V1 (Thanks, Ben & Franck!)
  • Fix Removed @charset declaration from inline custom css.
  • Fix Fixed stacking issue with the Strata theme's drop-down menus and center-aligned "Spread" sections (Thanks, Sebastian!)
  • Fix Fixed issue that caused incorrect website routing for subdomains in some cases (Thanks, Julie!)