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The simpler way
22Slides V2
$ 10 /mo Paid Yearly
$ 12 /mo Paid Monthly
One plan. Two payment options. No gimmicks.
✓ 30-Day free trial with no credit card required
✓ Create two websites for one price
✓ Get a free domain name

Create your new site now →

Frequently-Asked Questions

Do I need to know how to code?

Nope. The entire point of our service is to make the creation of websites accessible to people who don't know how to code. If you can code, you can take the platform even further, though.

What if I don't have a domain name?

You can use the default yourname.22slides.site address for as long as you like, or redeem a free domain for one year through our domain partner, Hover.

What if I do have a domain name already?

You can use any existing domain hosted with any service with your 22Slides website. A quick change to your domain's settings is all that's needed. We can even help you do this part.

Do you offer email accounts?

We do not. We feel email is best-handled by specialists, like Google or Hey. We also don't think the vendor lock-in that email bundles provide is necessarily ethical.

Can I pay annually?

Yes. We offer both a month-by-month plan, and a yearly plan at a discount.

Is web hosting included?

Yes, there's no need to purchase website hosting anywhere else. It's included.

Do I need to purchase a secure SSL/TLS certificate?

No, we include those for free and set them up automatically.

Is domain name registration included?

Kind of. We've partnered with Hover to offer free domains for one year. After that, prices are normally around $15/year.

What if I need a second website?

No problem! A single account can host 2 separate websites at no extra cost.

How would I cancel an account?

You can cancel your account instantly, at any time, and for any reason from the "Account" section of your dashboard.

What limitations are there?

There are no limits on disk space or bandwidth, but there are limits on the total number of photos, which is currently set at 1,500.

Can I use 22Slides in conjunction with other online services, like a store?

Absolutely. Each subdomain of your domain name can point to a different service, if you like.

What if my question isn't listed here?

Check out our dedicated help page here: help.22slides.com