Want bigger images? Go to your new “Settings > Image Settings” page and set your size limits to whatever you like. Our previous limit was around 1100x675px, but now you can go as big as 1800x1200, filling up the entire screen of almost every size monitor.
Bigger images mean higher resolution, especially for smaller screens like the Retina MacBook Pro. Using our largest image settings now means images are 2x the resolution on the 13“ MBP and at least 1.7x resolution on the 15”. Images appear much more crisp, just as they should on Retina devices.
Now you can change the size and spacing between the thumbnails on your website, to create a wide array of different looks. Want huge thumbnails? Just go to the design editor, right click, and make them bigger.
Yet again we’ve improved image quality. This time, by using new resampling algorithms that better-retain edge sharpness without also exaggerating unwanted detail. The result is crisper edges and less noise in your images.